Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Elephant in the Campaign Room

Let's review:
  • Gingrich’s political director was asked to resign on Tuesday because he said that Mormonism is a cult.
  • Gingrich’s campaign reassures us that Gingrich himself has never said anything negative about Mormonism.
  • Rick Perry’s campaign distanced itself from Baptist pastor Robert Jeffress because he called Mormonism a cult.
Everyone is afraid they will be accused of religious persecution if they say Mormonism is a cult. Or if they bring up Mormonism at all.
Let me be clear. Some people may throw the word “cult” around like it’s some general insult, like calling someone a jerk. But on this blog, when we talk about a cult, we are talking about the scholarly definition of a cult. This blog exists to compare the characteristics of the Mormon Church to the academic definition of a cult as defined by psychologists. And Mormonism fits that definition. If it looks like a cult, and talks like a cult, and psychologically manipulates people like a cult, it’s a cult. That word may offend some people, but it is a fact. It is not illegal to be a member of a cult. This is a free country. You can belong to any religion you choose, so long as you do not break any laws. Whether or not you like the word “cult” does not change the fact that certain religions fall into that category.
“Romney, in an interview with the Register’s editorial board on Friday, said he doesn’t think religion or spirituality should play a role in the election process.” –Des Moines Register
I beg to differ. Romney has sworn his life, his possessions, and his eternal soul to a particular church, which happens to fit the definition of a cult. That is a relevant fact when we are considering whether to ask him to swear his allegiance to the American people. The voting public is not doing their job if they think they can choose a President without considering where that candidate’s loyalties lie.
So, America, are we going to ask Mitt Romney the salient questions or not?

1 comment:

  1. I just received yesterday, my 5th UN-SOLICITED, Romeny flier in the mail yesterday and he states on it the following:


    In other words, as you denote above, being an Orthodox Mormon and a believer in the prophecy of their sick & delusional founder, Joseph Smith, who was running for President till they killed him for being a dictator in south western Missouri, Romney's call is to his LDS masters and Pres. Monson in Salt Lake City.

    I reject a Mormon Theocracy in America...who knows, I might have to join you in exile in Canada !!! (at least I will be closer to my whiskey, Canadian Mist, and Canadian girls are hot, LOL)
