Mormon Doctrine teaches that the ends justify the means. Sure, murder and dishonesty are wrong in general, but when they serve the Church's purposes, they are okay. The first story in the Book of Mormon teaches this principal: God's people are told to go buy some records from a guy named Laban, who, it turns out, doesn't want to sell them. So, when God's people find Laban passed-out drunk in the street, they cut off his head, take his clothes, and dress up as him so they can retrieve the records from his archive, masquerading as Laban. God "delivered" Laban to his people, so it was only fitting that they decapitate him. When God's servant hesitates about the beheading, God tells him it's okay because the ends (promoting their religion) justify the means. Nevermind that the guy was unconscious and defenseless. They could have stolen his clothes without killing him. And since God "delivered" him in this unconscious state, certainly God could keep him unconscious long enough for His people to hit the road with the records they wanted. But that is not how the story goes. The story clearly teaches that murder is okay, even unnecessary murder, as long as you can justify it as building up the Mormon Church.
Remember that Mormons have sworn on their mortal and eternal lives to give everything they have to "build up the Kingdom of God (i.e. the Mormon Church) upon the earth." We have already described in this blog the ways in which the Mormon Church fits one of the International Cultic Studies Association's criteria for a cult, i.e. "The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members' participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities)."
Mormons call it "Lying for the Lord," and they lie even to their own Church members. When Mormon historians find evidence that contradicts Church doctrine, they are told to keep quiet or be excommunicated. They are told this is not lying, or telling half-truths. Rather, it is keeping advanced doctrine away from people who are not ready to understand such mysteries of God. "Ken Clark, who worked as a teacher for the LDS Church Education System (CES) for 27 years and also served as a bishop before leaving the church in 2003, told The Daily Beast, 'Lying has become an institutionalized method of administrative control with the church.'”
So are we surprised that Mitt Romney is a liar? He, too, was a Mormon bishop and trained in the art of lying. In fact, his lies rise to the level of felony offenses.
- The organization recently wrote a letter to the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section asking them to investigate Romney's inconsistent statements on federal financial disclosures and SEC filings. On a 2011 ethics filing, Romney said that he was not involved with Bain Capital operations “in any way’’ after 1999. But Securities and Exchange Commission filings say that Romney "continued to serve as chief executive and chairman of Bain Capital, as well as the principal in a number of Bain-related entities, until as late as 2002." Looks like a felony violation of the False Statements Act.
- Romney's undisclosed off-shore bank accounts also constitute a felony for tax evasion. Romney was never criminally prosecuted for that felony, however, most likely because he took the 2009 amnesty deal. Of course, Romney won't show you his 2009 taxes because then everyone would see that he took the amnesty. However, Romney's 2010 taxes also failed to include off-shore accounts in Luxembourg, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Germany, Ireland and Australia. We only learned about these accounts in January 2012 when Romney went back and amended his federal ethics forms to include them. Looks like more felony tax evasion.
- Romney finally released his 2011 taxes, claiming that he paid 14.1% in taxes, but only because he didn't take all the deductions he could have. Presumably, if he does not win the election (or even if he does), he will amend his 2011 return to re-coup the several-hundred-thousand-dollar tax rebate. But in the meantime, he will deceive voters into thinking that he paid 14.1% in taxes, which is still less than most middle-income Americans paid in taxes.
Some people are saying that Romney "won" the debate last night, but that is only because he lied so much.
- First Romney said he doesn’t have a $5 trillion tax cut, when, in fact, his plan does include a $5 trillion tax cut.
- Then Romney says he will pay for the $5 trillion tax cut without raising the deficit or raising taxes on middle class. Experts say that's notpossible. The fact is, Romney's tax break for the rich will cost the middle class an extra $2000 in taxes per family per year.
- Romney says his health plan covers pre-existing conditions, when it does not. (He keeps saying it does, and his own campaign keeps correcting him because it doesn’t.)
- Romney says Obamacare includes a board that will make treatment decisions, which it does not. That, in fact, is specifically forbidden by Obamacare.
- Romney said at the debate that he likes teachers, but he has said in the past that we don't need more teachers, firefighters and police. In fact, last night, he said he would "stop the subsidy to PBS" even making a reference to Big Bird. Sesame Street has been providing free pre-school education to millions of Americans since 1969, the educational impact of which has never crossed Romney's mind. Romney thinks spending money on education is a waste, but providing more tax cuts to billionaires and big oil companies is going to help our economy.
- Romney said at the debate that we have a responsibility as a people to take care of those who can’t take care of themselves, yet he thinks people with cancer and no health insurance can just “go to the emergency room” to get treatment. He wants to let un- or under-insured people just get sick and die.
- And he wants to take away student loans and Pell grants from college students because he thinks they are moochers. Well maybe everyone can’t sell their dad’s stock to pay Harvard tuition. Romney's buddy Boehner says Obama has never had a real job. Oh really? And Romney has had a real job? Has he ever cleaned toilets or flipped burgers for minimum wage? No, he got cushy jobs set up by his rich, well-connected dad. Meanwhile, Romney thinks it’s great to move American jobs to China, where he only has to pay the workers 24 cents per hour and feed them rotten food. These poor workers don’t even have showers. They have little buckets of water that they splash on themselves in between their 16-hour work shifts. Romney toured the facility in 1998, and saw the conditions himself, yet did nothing to improve them. He invested $23 million in this sweat shop, but according to the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights, conditions have not improved and workers are still paid below subsistence wages. Which is fine with Romney, the unemployed retiree whose investements earn him $10,406.97 per hour, 24-hours a day, while he does nothing. Romney's got it made, so why should he care if Americans can't find work because he out-sourced their jobs to sweat shops in China? Romney "created the model of harvesting profits by shipping good American jobs to China" say laid-off Sensata workers, explaining how "Mitt Romney is personally benefiting from our misery."
Update: A list of fifty lies Romney has told just this week:
ReplyDeleteRomney's lies continue, this time on foreign policy.
ReplyDeleteRead this excellent article about Romney and Mormonism's lies:
ReplyDelete"The more you learn about Mormonism's relationship to truth/power the better you understand where Romney is coming from."
Moving to Canada is never a bad idea and it is not just because of the politics but I still enjoy that kindness still exists at high level in Canada. The world and life is hard enough as it is without the government going against what you believe in as well.
ReplyDeletestorage edmonton